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Friday, 3 November 2006
Vote Green - early, often, and conscientiously
Topic: politics

So you want to change the world? Or at least a large part of the Lower Great Lakes Bioregion? Well, next Tuesday you can help leverage grassroots democracy by voting Green.

It’s likely voters will go to the polls without ever having seen or heard the following names – thank you very much, local media – but here are the candidates I’m going for:

NY governor: Malachy McCourt.

Lt. Gov.: Alison Duncan. (Actually, David Paterson would be a decent choice, too, much preferable politically to his Dem running mate, Eliot Spitzer. But if you go for Paterson, do it on the Working Families line.)

Comptroller: Julia Willebrand. (See, you don’t have to flip a coin for public-teat sucking specialist Alan Hevesi or, much worse, the Republican.)

State Attorney General: Rachel Treichler.

US Senator: Howie Hawkins. (Beware the Working Families line here: they’ve cross-endorsed Hillary Clinton, enemy of peace and universal health care, etc.)

Last, a related matter of principle: never vote for anyone who’s accepted the Conservative Party endorsement. At the Public Market a couple weeks ago, I talked with a judge seeking re-election who tried to explain why she jumped on this joke party’s bandwagon. She didn’t try too hard. Judges always beg off discussing the issues – by invoking a code of ethics designed as much to shield them from questions as to preserve their neutrality.

But excuse me. Signing on with a party means accepting the party platform. And signing on with the Conservatives means tacit endorsement of an arch-reactionary agenda: limiting abortion rights into non-existence, stopping further restrictions on guns, unleashing a Texas-style judicial crime-wave of executions, and thrusting religion (specifically the “Judeo-Christian moral code”) deeper into public life.

I judge this insanity.

Posted by jackbradiganspula at 15:11 EST
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Sunday, 29 October 2006
Housekeeping item

Dear readers:

My blog seems to be attracting more and more readers, and I'm grateful for this. But I just realized I was behind on posting your responses. So I've cleaned up my act. Now you can check out the feedback - and of course, your own responses, positive or negative or in-between, will always be welcome.

I'll be posting more entries this week, during the last big push before election day. It seems to me that today, more than any time since the early 1970s, we need a radical anaylsis and action plan to fight the Right. And I hope to make at least a small contribution to that effort.   

Posted by jackbradiganspula at 11:25 EDT
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Friday, 27 October 2006
Update on Green blackout
Topic: politics
An afterthought to the 10/22 item below: On Wednesday 10/25, Amy Goodman did some excellent - and extensive - coverage of Howie Hawkins' being shut out of the debate at UR. The Democracy Now! segment included an interview with Hawkins and a League of Women Voters official telling the whole sad story - a tragicomedy that exposes our local opinion managers for what they are, and aren't. Check out for a download: (

Posted by jackbradiganspula at 16:39 EDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 October 2006 07:02 EDT
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Sunday, 22 October 2006
Closed to debate
Topic: politics

With New York’s US Senate race grinding to its inevitable outcome, I’ve been girding my loins – and realizing that discomforting old expression fits the situation all too well. I can actually feel a tightness south of the solar plexus when I think about Hillary Clinton’s easy victory. Here’s a candidate that preserves a reputation as a progressive while being pro-war, pro-death penalty, pro-corporate power and money, pro-inadequate health care, pro-homophobic marriage restrictions. Radicals, and even liberals, are justified in mourning, “With friends like that…”

Sure, she’s better than Republican challenger John Spencer, and way ahead of Alaric and Tamerlane, but no civilized person should cast a vote for her.

Yet there she is, at the head of the pack. And there she’ll stay, thanks in part to local institutions with curious ideas about democratic forms and intellectual honesty.

Here’s what I mean: Last Friday night, Clinton and Spencer took part in a “debate” – the term now meaning banter between candidates who basically are in agreement, answering journalists who move in lockstep – hosted by the University of Rochester. Time Warner’s R News broadcast the event from Strong Auditorium; WXXI carried the audio. As reported later on R News, everything looked peachy. No notes of discord, in the hall or outside. A fine exercise in electoral politics, and a credit to the home team.

But R News left out the real story. And the next morning, the D&C hardly did better, with this one sentence way down in a piece by Joseph Spector: “Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Senate, was not included in the event, drawing protests from him and the League of Women Voters.” You  have to look elsewhere in the news to find out what really happened. Hawkins didn’t take his exclusion lying down. He called the event a “farce” and likened the selection process to the accomplishments of Boss Tweed. And he noted that all four anti-war candidates (himself, a Libertarian, and two socialists) had been undemocratically dumped.

The League of Women Voters was mighty pissed, too, or whatever expression fits their respectable image. As reported by news outlets here and there, the League had determined, using in-house criteria that allow some subjective application but still are relatively fair, that the debates should include Hawkins along with Clinton and Spencer. Nevertheless, the local newspeople and the University went ahead with the farce.

This was particularly galling in the UR’s case – an institution of “higher learning” in cahoots with those who trample the most basic principles of fairness. Okay, okay – what planet am I on? We’re talking about the same institution that hosts the Simon School.

Luckily, we’ve got the internet, and you can check out the Hawkins campaign at Brace yourself: this is a pablum-free-zone, with well-thought out statements on the full range of issues. If you get tired of being challenged and respected as a voter, you can switch back to Hillary or John for a snooze.


Posted by jackbradiganspula at 14:42 EDT
Updated: Monday, 23 October 2006 21:23 EDT
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Sunday, 15 October 2006
Parkland security
Topic: urban issues

On  and on goes the moralistic crusade against former Congressmember Mark Foley, who admittedly abused his position of authority while pursuing some Congressional pages (young men, not children exactly). For Foley, it’s all over, and the case is stirring up yet more homophobia in Republican ranks. Probably a few more heads will roll. Unfortunately, some of those heads will belong to low-ranking gay staffers who've been quietly pursuing their careers, hoping against hope that the neocon, religio-fascist wave would break and recede. 

True, a greater good may come of this: The crusade might contribute to Republican electoral losses in key districts, notably including that of Tom Reynolds, Western New York’s Bushie Supreme. The Republicans could even lose control of Congress altogether. But the bipartisan pontificating and posing still stink. How many Reps and Senators are in high dudgeon about mass murders by the US military on their watch – and essentially on their orders?

Then there’s a crusade that’s keeping the home fires burning. Friday’s D&C carried another installment about the hapless former head of the Greece Chamber of Commerce, Skip Beaver. He and another middle-aged man were arrested last month in Genesee Valley Park for alleged lewd behavior, an encounter at sundown behind a public bathroom. Beaver, who’s full name has predictably inspired sophomoric comments about sexual orientation, left his position with the Chamber shortly after the arrest. We can wonder whether his straight-laced bosses dumped him, or he left freely, but the fact is he lost his job while still legally presumed innocent. Worse, his name has been splashed all over the front pages. And for what? Fooling around with a 61-year-old in the shadows? There has been no hint that this was anything but consensual. Nor have there been reports of park users harmed, outraged, or even inconvenienced by what went on. Exactly what real offense was committed?

Sounds like another chapter of cops gone wild. A few years ago I spoke to a man who was arrested in GV Park, which has long been known as a gay cruising area. This man had to struggle with the system for months; finally the charges were dropped on a technicality that the higher-ups, at least, must have known about: the two men were playing in a private vehicle and thus not guilty of “public lewdness.” So why did John Law go after them? For the same reason that, time after time, he’s gone after men at Durand Eastman, Genesee Valley, Highland Park, and other locations: the poor dear, defender of a sham morality, is suffering from a horrible persecution complex - in this instance, a complex mixture of psychological flaws that causes him to hound innocent people. He can’t help himself.

And JL’s got lots of company – lots of big pricks on public display throughout the hierarchy. Nor should we fail to note the smaller pricks in the mass media, who ruin lives while pretending to satisfy our right to know.

Posted by jackbradiganspula at 21:33 EDT
Updated: Monday, 16 October 2006 20:11 EDT
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