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Saturday, 28 April 2007
Crime report
Topic: urban issues

No need to recount here the crimes and misdemeanors of US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. The Bush crony’s reputation as facilitator of torture and political corruption is well-documented – a national and international embarrassment that just won’t go away.

So what’s with Rochester’s gracious welcome for this S.O.B on April 26? Well, it was all about cold, hard cash: a $2.5 million handout from the Justice Department for local anti-gang work through Pathways for Peace and other initiatives.

I have serious problems with the kind of policing that some of this money will support. But for now, all I can think of is how disgusting our local “leaders” are – helping Gonzales, whose specialty is paving paths to violence and war, rehabilitate his public image and ride out a political storm.

Gangs, indeed. There’s no more dangerous bunch loose in communities all over the world than the Bushies, of which Gonzales is a charter member. If our “leaders” had any principles, they would have put the rhetorical cuffs on him when they had the chance, not lubricate his escape from accountability.

Posted by jackbradiganspula at 09:40 EDT
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